Introducing Jocks & Nerds
20th July 2016

Introducing National Geographic KiDS
27th July 2016What’s it about: Arts, contemporary culture, fashion, photography
Where is it from: London
How often is it published: Quarterly
It becomes apparent as soon as you run your fingers over the heavily textured, matte, front cover that Tank is not your standard quarterly culture magazine. Inside and out, reading Tank is a tactile experience, with photography and design that evokes the feel of poring through a private collection and not a carefully curated and edited magazine.
Tank is nothing if not put together with care and a meticulous attention to detail, with interviews with leading cultural figures and true scene leaders sitting alongside complementary fashion shoots. These frequently arresting images present even more sides to the subject than the written interview, provoking and prolonging discussion around whichever topics are being covered.
Traditionally seen as a publication for those in the industries that it represents, the strength of Tank’s editorial content, the broad range of its interviewees and an idiosyncratic style mean that it should appeal to a much broader range of people then those that are generally considered to be its readership.
The magazine’s slogan is ‘Elitism for All’, a mantra which gives you some idea of its approach to the subjects it covers, aiming to make the inaccessible accessible through illuminating discussions and ideas. This is partly achieved thanks to Tank’s unusual approach to its content, which sees a new central theme chosen for each edition. Previous topics have included embodiment, books, disorientation, and language, and once the guiding principle for the next magazine is set the writers are given freedom to interpret the subject and create articles that revolve around it.
It sounds high-concept, but in reality it creates a refreshingly changeable and vibrant reading experience which can introduce readers to new worlds and ideas.
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