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1st May 2024

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13th May 2024When I first saw the cover of Buffalo Zine’s Issue 19, titled “Mother,” I was instantly drawn in. The cover art—a compelling collage of women during childbirth—struck a chord with me, bringing back vivid memories of my own experiences as a mother. It was impossible not to pick up the magazine and immerse myself in its pages.

This edition is a profound tribute to mothers everywhere, expanding the definition beyond the women who gave birth to us. It delves into the complex and varied relationships people have with their mothers, captured through introspective articles and evocative photographs. From stories of children who disliked their working mothers, to the drastic shifts in family dynamics following health issues, the magazine doesn’t shy away from the raw truths of familial bonds.

One particularly touching piece featured a woman who took photographs every time she left her parents’ house over a span of 30 years. This simple act of capturing farewells turned into a poignant archive of ordinary moments and the passage of time. The visual narrative of her parents aging, and now, the reversal, as she captures images of her own son leaving, moved me deeply. This collection of photographs highlights the bittersweet, fleeting moments that become precious memories when a loved one is gone. It’s a testament to the power of ordinary farewells in shaping our memories and emotional landscapes.

The images of childbirth particularly moved me, echoing the intense mixture of pain, joy, and awe that comes with bringing a new life into the world. Reading through the magazine made me reflect on my own mother, a woman of immense strength and boundless love, who consistently placed the needs of her children above her own. Her extraordinary acts, which seemed so ordinary to her, made every milestone in our lives feel special.
This issue made me realise that understanding the essence of motherhood often comes into clearer focus when we become parents ourselves. The fierce, protective love of a mother, akin to that of a lion, is a recurring theme not just in my life but in many others’ stories shared in the magazine.
Our family’s strong matriarchal line, enriched by the bonds between mothers, daughters, and grandmothers, has fostered a closeness that now extends across four generations, shaping a legacy of strong, independent women with deeply rooted family values.

To my mother, a heartfelt thank you: Your unwavering support and the sacrifices you’ve made have shaped the course of my life indelibly. I am eternally grateful and proud of the strong, inspirational woman you are, and the life you have created for us.

Buffalo Zine’s Mother issue is a poignant exploration of motherhood, celebrating its challenges, joys, and enduring impact with authenticity.
This issue and Sarah’s touching blog motivated the team to unearth their old cherished photographs, honouring the bonds with their own mothers or children.
Photographs of Ellie and her Mam from over the years, on holiday in Lanzarote, a special place which hold’s core memories for her as a kid.

Photographs of Angela as a baby, with her glamorous Mam.